In the event that you have you been putting off getting yourself a cell phone, this article is for you. While you may not know too much about cell phones, you should know that this article is here to help. This article is full of helpful tips to prepare you for all your cell phone-related concerns.
Be sure that when you have a cell phone that you reset it from time to time so the memory gets cleared from when you use programs. This will help your phone to perform to the best of its ability if you do this once every few days.
If your phone gets dropped into water, do not panic and think that it is ruined. Remove your phone’s battery and put your cell phone into a bowl full of rice. This pulls the moisture from the phone.
If you’re on LTE or 4G, beware watching videos. You will usually be restricted to a certain amount of data. You may run through your limit and rack up sizable charges without even realizing it. If this happens consistently, look into getting a different plan.
You may not need the newest phone the day it hits the market. It’s often not worth the money spent. Many times when the companies may changes to their phones, they are very minor. Look for a few reviews about a new phone prior to buying it so you know whether or not it’s a great idea to update. In many cases, you do not.
Try to avoid using information services that come with a charge. You can call 1-800-411-FREE instead. You will have to listen to a short ad, but then you can get the info you want.
If you have a smart phone, you likely use it constantly. Make sure you turn it off here and there. Treat your cell phone like a computer. Rebooting them often helps keep them running at top efficiency. Even by shutting it off a couple times a week, you may notice a difference.
Take care when it comes to purchasing extended warranties. This just adds extra costs and nothing more. A defective phone will generally fail within the time allotted for the regular warranty. Many people also purchase a new phone yearly; these people do not need an extended warranty.
Ask your loved ones and friends about cell phones before buying one. These folks can offer valuable insights from their own use of cell phone technologies. This will help you to make the right decision.
Never buy a smart phone if you only use your phone to make voice calls. Many people do buy a smartphone in today’s world, but they are using them for the Internet and apps. If you don’t plan on using your phone for these purposes, you can save a lot of money by opting for a non-smart phone.

Try to recharge your phone before it is completely dead. These batteries should be recharged with frequency. When you let it die, they won’t hold the charge well. Charge your phone before the battery goes dead.
Cases usually aren’t necessary for many new phones. Designers of smartphones usually integrate a material that’s hard like Kevlar or carbon fiber in the frame during the manufacturing process. Sure, a case can add a small amount of extra protection, but they also add bulk which can lead to drops. Weigh all your possibilities with mindful care, and only make your choices based on what will serve you.
Remember that the cameras on cell phones don’t have optical zoom. To photograph an object up close, you must physically move nearer to it. However, there are lenses available for purchase to allow your smartphone to actually zoom.
Consider downloading a game or two to your cell phone. Modern phones can run some really fun games. Don’t put too many games on your phone or you will slow it down.
Cell Phone
If you have a cell phone, analyze a coverage map before you travel. Most likely you’re aware of your phone’s coverage in your neighborhood and your place of employment. You might be covered everywhere you usually go. However, if you’re leaving town, you may find that there are patchy areas where you cell phone doesn’t work.
Purchase a protective case for cell phone. Dropping many high-end phones can cost you quite a bit. Otterbox is a good choice of cases; they are strong and adequately protective. One really good case is called the Defender.
Are you ready to get rid of your old phone? Do you fear the cell phone purchasing process? Even if that was the case before, your new familiarity with the concepts above should provide you with the confidence necessary to move forward.